Athletic Facilities

Providing a layer of protection against infection at athletic facilities across the Nation

About The Invisible Enemy

Bacteria and viruses are stronger than ever. They travel faster, farther, and become increasingly resistant to antibiotics and traditional disinfection techniques. Much of what once worked to combat these dangerous microbes becomes less effective every passing day.

People who spend time at the gym are increasingly at risk from contamination. If you own a gym, yoga studio, or other athletic facilities, an infectious outbreak can be devastating to both -the financial cost involved and the damage done to your reputation.

We Offer A Practical Solution

We offer athletic facilities of all types across the Nation access to the world’s most modern decontamination and infection prevention technologies. We treat the surfaces in your building and vehicles in a way that makes them resistant to strains of bacteria, viruses, and other types of contaminants. We build a shield for you that offers constant protection, and we do so in a way that is verifiable and affordable.

Bacti Barrier infection and control programs include the following:

  • Assessment and testing
  • State of the art products and equipment
  • Training and education
  • Monitoring and certificates

Bacti Barrier Benefits

Kills 99.99% of Germs
24*7 protection
for 90 days
Suitable for
all surfaces
Monthly performance reports
Cost Effective
No need for daily sanitization
Monthly performance ATP reports-2 antimicrobial coating
Monthly performance test
QR Coded certificate

Disinfection And Prevention At Athletic Facilities

Gyms and Health Clubs

People come to you to improve their health and feel better about themselves, not to get sick and feel worse. Gyms and health clubs are notorious breeding grounds for germs, odors and infectious diseases. We protect your customers and your business reputation from harmful exposure by reducing contamination in high-risk areas including:

  • Weight training areas and equipment
  • Treadmills, cycling equipment, exercise mats and balls
  • Locker rooms and showers
  • High-touch fixtures (water fountains, etc.)
  • Child care areas and toys

Many fitness facilities across the nation are taking the necessary precautions to protect their clients from the spread of disease by using Bacti Barrier’s 24/7 Protection from Infection program.

We offer fitness facilities an affordable solution to keeping the surfaces resistant to harmful bacteria (including those nasty gym smells) and viruses. We can even treat your HVAC system to ensure that the air circulating through your facility is fresh smelling and odor-free. And we do it without using bleach, meaning that your equipment will last longer and look better, protecting your investment and profitability.

Your business keeps people healthy, and We keep it that way

gym-health-club-disinfection1-bacti barrier protection
locker-room-disinfection-bacti barrier

Athletic Facility Odor Removal

It’s no secret that nasty smells can develop in athletic facilities and controlling these offensive odors can be an expensive, time-consuming and frustrating experience. If you own or manage a gym, health center, or yoga studio and are increasingly frustrated that all of your hard work is being wasted, Bacti Barrier can help.

Our technology takes advantage of some of the most advanced odor-fighting techniques in the world. We don’t just mask smells – we eliminate them. Our oxidization process actually penetrates walls and other surfaces to reach odor-causing molecules that would be impossible to reach otherwise. The entire process is non-toxic for humans, affordable, and can be applied with minimal disruption to your schedule. And we don’t stop there. We apply anti-microbial surface protection that keeps offensive odors from reoccurring for up to 90 days. Learn what top professional and college teams know…Bacti Barrier saves you time and money. 

Learn more about our odor removal services.

Our Decontamination and Prevention Services Target:

From the easiest to destroy lipid viruses to the most difficult to kill bacterial spores, we craft a custom-tailored plan which will protect your business from harmful contamination and save you time & money

Bacti Barrier Service Process

STEP I - Assessment Of Contamination Through ATP/Swab Technology

This process gives us intelligence about the level of contamination present in the facility and the level of treatment required. In ATP Testing, we read the presence of Adenosine Tri Phosphate on a surface found in all microbial cells. The higher the ATP reading, the greater the threat.


STEP II– Applying Bacti Barrier Antimicrobial Surface Protector

Bacti Barrier Antimicrobial Surface Protector provides a bonded, long-term-antimicrobial protective barrier everywhere in the facility. We use electrostatic spray machines that are safe to spray antimicrobial chemicals on high-end electronic gadgets, expensive leather, or other fabric surfaces. It also ensures that every surface is coated evenly and fairly from all sides.

STEP III – Periodic Assessment For The Treated Facility

We conduct periodic assessments of all high touch surfaces to ensure no microbial growth in the treated facility. We use the same technology for assessment as mentioned in STEP 1. In case the reading is found to be higher than the acceptable limit during any of the periodic assessments, Bacti Barrier re-treats the facility without any commercial obligation to the client.

Monthly performance ATP reports-2 antimicrobial coating

STEP IV: QR Code Stickers & Certificate

Display of QR coded treatment certificate at all touch points.


The nanotechnology ensures that daily sanitization is not required. The formula disinfects the surface for six months, providing you and your surrounding comprehensive safety.

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    destroys the microbes

    The long molecular chain punctures and destroys the microbes through their cell membrane. The difference in charges caused electrocution, so no mutation and resistance occurs.

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